Denny’s is Givin’ Away the Business.
Denny’s came up with a new marketing strategy. Spend the money it takes to buy 3 30 second spots in the Superbowl, then give junk away. Give away everything. That will get people in the door. And their right, it will!
Denny’s isn’t really planning on giving away everything, just hundreds of millions of free meals. In addition to the post Superbowl free day (a repeat from last year’s post bowl free day – this year it’s Feb. 9), they are giving away a free meal for every week of the year each week of the year online. Also, they are giving away a free meal for every consumer that comes into the place on their B-day. The logic? People getting free meals will bring more people, who will bring more people, who will think Denny’s is great because they gave someone they know a free meal on their birthday. Oh, and they’ll get web traffic too.
I am not sure how I feel about this campaign. On the one hand, they are driving tons of “business” (business in quotes because they aren’t paying any money) to their locations. They are getting tons of exposure, and initially it will be positive exposure (I always feel positive about getting free stuff). On the other hand, I wonder what Denny’s is driving people to besides a free meal. I remember when the local Wingers had similar promotions I went to Wingers weekly, and enjoyed it, but then I stopped when the free stuff stopped. I made Wingers lose money on me. So what is going to happen to Denny’s if more people come for free junk and that’s it? Only time will tell… that was cliché.